The Breathless Beauty of Tracy Arm Fjord, AK

When sailing to Alaska, you see the cruise you have chosen passes through Tracy Arm Fjord, you might not really give it another thought as you focus on the destinations that offer excursions. Well, this is not a drive by, this is a highlight of your entire trip you won't want to miss.

The only way I can describe Tracy Arm is 'breathless beauty".  Standing on my verandah in the silence of mother nature was a moment I won't soon forget.  The magical layers of clouds and fog over the mountains and in the steep valleys, thousands of waterfalls stories high, chunks of ice the size of trucks floating by, bald eagles soaring by, all while your ship is passing so slowly and quietly you think it must be a dream!

The ship entered the fjord at 6:00 AM for it's four hour journey.  On board Naturalist, Brent Nixon, provided a soothing, quiet narration as we made our way through.  This was a wonderful addition to the experience. His extensive knowledge allowed us to enjoy what we were seeing at a much higher level of understanding and appreciation.

We were very fortunate on our trip to have conditions allowing the Celebrity Solstice, to line the ship up for an incredible view of Sawyers Glacier.  The early morning light and just enough sun allowed the glaciers to shine in an amazing cool blue,making it a perfect addition to this fairytale dream.

Tracy Arm is located about forty five miles south of Juneau, AK, within the 653,179 acres of Tracy of  Arms-Fords Terror Wilderness.

As your travel agent I will tell you to make sure and set your alarm to be ready if your boat is passing through in early am.  You won't want to miss a moment!

To Plan Your Cruise to Alaska CLICK HERE

#Alaska #Tracyarmfjord #brentnixon #celebritysolstice      


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